Worship Sunday 10:00 am
1656 Lincoln Way, White Oak, PA 15131
(412) 673-2296
Outreach is highly valued by members of Faith, and we have a long history of service to the wider community.
Faith is very generous with its time, talent, and treasure.​ We continue to seek ways to reach out in service and witness beyond our walls. God's Work; Our Hands!
Outreach Programs
Many of our members volunteer to deliver meals to elderly persons in their homes (Meals on Wheel).
Our quilting group assembles close to 40 quilts per year to be sent to areas of the world in need (picture below).
We collect school supplies at the beginning of the school year to be sent to those most in need.
We collect food for local food pantries.
We collect funds for natural disaster victims throughout the world.
We prepare one meal per month for “The Intersection”, a soup kitchen in McKeesport.
We regularly collect funds for local hunger relief agencies.
Interest from a Charitable Endowment Fund enables us to distribute funds to many local agencies each year.
Our financial support to the Synod helps our congregation extend to the national and even global outreach of the Church.
We engage in community events such as the Memorial Day parade, “Village for Kids” in McKeesport, and the Christmas tree festival in McKeesport.
We have hosted Halloween and Christmas events for the community, blessing of pets, and summer movie nights.
Members serve the community by offering an Annual Flea Market to recycle rather than throw away used goods (see picture below).

Women of ELCA (WELCA)
WELCA is a national women’s group offering mutual support and works of service.
WELCA meets several times throughout the year.
WELCA Purpose Statement
“As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.” (from https://www.womenoftheelca.org)